"The most common reasons for opioid prescriptions during pregnancy are backpain, abdominal pain, headache or migraine, joint pain or other pain …
Source: back pain
Patients with back pain and joint problems such as arthritis will be … at spotting when muscle or joint pain is a symptom of a more serious illness.
Source: back pain
Patients with back pain and joint problems such as arthritis will be … at spotting when muscle or joint pain is a symptom of a more serious illness.
Source: joint pain
Consequences of uncontrolled pain can lead to myocardial ischemia and infarctions, pulmonary infections, paralytic ileus, urinary retention, …
Source: joint pain
Patients might also suffer pain that persists even with rest. In severe cases, broken pieces of cartilage may get loose and lock the joint. The joint may …
Source: joint pain