The ability to carry a soul within you is a magical feeling but to go through inexplicable pain, stomach ache, back pain and whatnot for this is a little too …
Source: lower back pain relief
While she has had sore joints before, now the body aching is intense. “My knees, ankles, wrists and knuckle joints get so inflamed,” she said. “I …
Source: joint pain
Key Players of the Over-the-Counter Pain Medication Market. GlaxoSmithKline. Pfizer Sanofi Bayer Johnson & Johnson Boehringer Ingelheim
Source: pain medication
“I would constantly 24/7 have a pain in my lower stomach, and then … in my lowerback, punches in the ovaries, it was just constant pain that would get worse and … and I was so ill, but I got out of the bed and took loads of painkillers.
Source: lower back pain relief
Not me – until I gave this one a try. It turns out that a sauna blanket was exactly the kind of recovery aid I was looking for. If you move a lot, you need to …
Source: muscle pain relief