Looking for Information Concerning OTC Primatene Mist (epinephrine)
Lesson Scenario
A classroom teacher wishes to discuss with the school nurse and the parent of her student, a 11 year old asthmatic male, concerns about the childs use of the OTC medication Primatene Mist.
She believes that the boy takes the medication much too often. She says the child appears overly nervous, "restless" and tired.
The teacher wants to know what guidelines she should use to assure the child's safety and help him keep "focused" on his classwork.
To assist the nurse and the parent, we want to find information about Primatene Mist and the possible issues involved in its use.
We want reliable information from credible resources for the school nurse, the teacher and the parent.
Paid for inpart with funds from the Medical Library Association's Donald A. B. Lindberg Fellowship 2008.