Health Related Articles This Week of USA

Health is the level of functional and metabolic efficiency of a living organism. In humans it is the ability of individuals or communities to adapt and self-manage when facing physical, mental or social changes.[1] The World Health Organization (WHO) defined health in its broader sense in its 1948 constitution as "a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity."[2][3] This definition has been subject to controversy, in particular as lacking operational value, the ambiguity in developing cohesive health strategies, and because of the problem created by use of the word "complete".[4][5][6] Other definitions have been proposed, among which a recent definition that correlates health and personal satisfaction.[7][8] Classification systems such as the WHO Family of International Classifications, including the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) and the International Classification of Diseases (ICD), are commonly used to define and measure the components of health.

Why Are American Health Care Costs So High?

In which John discusses the complicated reasons why the United States spends so much more on health care than any other country in the world, and along the way reveals some surprising information, including that Americans spend more of their tax dollars on public health care than people in Canada, the UK, or Australia. Who's at fault? Insurance companies? Drug companies? Malpractice lawyers? Hospitals? Or is it more complicated than a simple blame game? (Hint: It's that one.)

For a much more thorough examination of health care expenses in America, I recommend this series at The Incidental Economist:
The Commonwealth Fund's Study of Health Care Prices in the US:
Some of the stats in this video also come from this New York Times story:

This is the first part in what will be a periodic series on health care costs and reforms leading up to the introduction of the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare, in 2014.

Doctors and Chronic Pain (RANT)

Recently, I went to the doctor because I was abnormally fatigued. The ensuing fiasco made me so angry that I have redoubled my efforts to avoid going to the doctor if at all possible. The sad truth is that many primary care doctors have little understanding of chronic illness and chronic pain.

I had qualms about sharing this video with you all. I strive to limit my complaining and focus on what IS working in my life. I have a lot of wonderful people and opportunities around me. But the emotional and psychological impact of being treated so poorly was so significant, I decided to share this.

As I've mentioned before, I have symptoms (that I call Hurricane Ivan) that are not related to my Fibromyalgia. These include: swollen, red, painful joints that are hot to the touch, heat intolerance, and joint stiffness that persists much of the day. In an effort to find out what this business is about, I've been working with my Rheumatologist to see if she can identify the source of these symptoms. Unfortunately, all of my tests return "normal"…equally unfortunate is that doctors who see "normal" tests results tend to think that 1) there's nothing wrong with you and 2) you are likely exaggerating your problems. Undoubtedly, many of you have had this same experience. Unfortuntely, this can lead to some frightening treatment decisions…like the one a primary care doc made about my pain medications. See the video for more on that story…

And this, my friends, is the greatest challenge of it all. If a doctor receives a negative or normal test result on a battery of tests, they tend to just stop the diagnostic process. I can't tell you the number of times I've had to remind my doctor that I USED to be employed full time as a CEO of a 7 million dollar non profit. I do not PREFER to be at home, in my bed, eeking out a living online. I'd PREFER to have the 6 figure salary I once had. But I digress…

This video is a rant, so if you are not one who likes to listen to frustration, a bit of cursing and general complaining about the system, this may not be the video for you. I did include a tiny bit of humor…just to keep it real.


I HAVE UPDATED THIS VIDEO! with more science backed evidence check it out:

if you get Sciatica! this will help you wonders!
please ensure you see a GP before undertaking any for of diagnosis or exercise




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