TMJ Exercises & Stretches to Relieve Jaw Pain – Ask Doctor Jo

TMJ Exercises & Stretches to Relieve Jaw Pain: Doctor Jo shows you some simple stretches to help relieve TMJ and jaw pain. For more physical therapy videos or to Ask Doctor Jo a question, visit

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The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) can cause severe jaw pain. The jaw joint and surrounding facial muscles that control chewing and moving the jaw are often involved. Clicking, popping, pain, and deviations in the movements of the joint are common symptoms. Stretching the TMJ and strengthening the muscles around the joint are just as important as any other part of your body.

First, take your palm and slowly push on one side of your jaw. The pressure is on your chin. Push back with your jaw, but make sure your teeth are aligned. Start off gently, and if there is no pain, push a little harder. Do both sides; this will increase the strength and control of the joint.

Next, push down on your bottom teeth with your fingers, and push up with your jaw. Try to keep your jaw in one place, and don't bite down.

Finally, hold your mouth slightly open and aligned. Then, with your palm, push your chin straight in towards you. You should feel a stretch on your TMJ.

Hold these for about 5 seconds each, and build your time up to 30 seconds, doing 3-5 each.

DISCLAIMER: This video and any related comments are not medical advice. Doctor Jo is a licensed Physical Therapist and Doctor of Physical Therapy; however, she is not YOUR Physical Therapist and can't possibly diagnose you through the Internet. So don't use this information to avoid going to your own healthcare professional or to replace the advice they have given you. This information is only intended to show you the correct technique for physical therapy exercises and should not be used to self-diagnose or self-treat any medical condition. If you are not properly diagnosed, this information won't help, and it could make things worse. So seriously, check with your healthcare professional before doing these techniques. If you experience any pain or difficulty while doing these exercises, stop immediately and see your healthcare professional.

TMJ Pain (Jaw Pain). Try this for INSTANT relief!

TMJ Jaw Pain

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My video ROCKS but here is an article I found on TMJ Pain

• How does the Temporo-Mandibular Joint work?

• What causes TMJ pain?

• How is TMJ pain treated?

• and more…
Open your jaw all the way and shut it. This simple movement would not be possible without the Temporo-Mandibular Joint (TMJ). It connects the temporal bone (the bone that forms the side of the skull) and the mandible (the lower jaw). Even though it is only a small disc of cartilage, it separates the bones so that the mandible may slide easily whenever you talk, swallow, chew, kiss, etc. Therefore, damage to this complex, triangular structure in front of your ear, can cause considerable discomfort.

Where is the Temporo-Mandibular Joint?
You can locate this joint by putting your finger on the triangular structure in front of your ear. Then move your finger just slightly forward and press firmly while you open your jaw all the way and close it. You can also feel the joint motion in your ear canal.

How does the TMJ work?

When you bite down hard, you put force on the object between your teeth and on the joint. In terms of physics, the jaw is the lever and the TMJ is the fulcrum. Actually, more force is applied (per square foot) to the joint surface than to whatever is between your teeth because the cartilage between the bones provides a smooth surface, over which the joint can freely slide with minimal friction.
Therefore, the forces of chewing can be distributed over a wider surface in the joint space and minimize the risk of injury. In addition, several muscles contribute to opening and closing the jaw and aid in the function of the TMJ.

What causes TMJ pain?
In most patients, pain associated with the TMJ is a result of displacement of the cartilage disc that causes pressure and stretching of the associated sensory nerves. The popping or clicking occurs when the disk snaps into place when the jaw moves. In addition, the chewing muscles may spasm, not function efficiently, and cause pain and tenderness.
What causes damage to the TMJ?
• Major and minor trauma to the jaw

• Teeth grinding

• Excessive gum chewing

• Stress and other psychological factors

• Improper bite or malpositioned jaws
• Arthritis
What are the symptoms?

• Ear pain

• Sore jaw muscles

• Temple/cheek pain

• Jaw popping/clicking

• Locking of the jaw
• Difficulty in opening the mouth fully

• Frequent head/neck aches

The pain may be sharp and searing, occurring each time you swallow, yawn, talk, or chew, or it may be dull and constant. It hurts over the joint, immediately in front of the ear, but pain can also radiate elsewhere. It often causes spasms in the adjacent muscles that are attached to the bones of the skull, face, and jaws. Then pain can be felt at the side of the head (the temple), the cheek, the lower jaw, and the teeth.

A very common focus of pain is in the ear. Many patients come to the ear specialist quite convinced their pain is from an ear infection. When the earache is not associated with a hearing loss and the eardrum looks normal, the doctor will consider the possibility that the pain comes from TMJ.

There are a few other symptoms besides pain that TMJ can cause. It can make popping, clicking, or grinding sounds when the jaws are opened wide. Or the jaw locks wide open (dislocated). At the other extreme, TMJ can prevent the jaws from opening fully. Some people get ringing in their ears from TMJ.

How is TMJ pain treated?

Because TMJ symptoms often develop in the head and neck, otolaryngologists are appropriately qualified to diagnose TMJ problems. Proper diagnosis of TMJ begins with a detailed history and physical, including careful assessment of the teeth occlusion and function of the jaw joints and muscles. An early diagnosis will likely respond to simple, self-remedies:

• Rest the muscles and joints by eating soft foods.

• Do not chew gum.

• Avoid clenching or tensing.

• Relax muscles with moist heat (1/2 hour at least twice daily).

In cases of joint injury, apply ice packs soon after the injury to reduce swelling. Relaxation techniques and stress reduction, patient education, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants, or other medications may also offer relief.

Other treatments for advanced cases may include fabrication of an occlusal splint to prevent wear and tear on the joint, improving the alignment of the upper and lower teeth, and surgery. After diagnosis, your otolaryngologist may suggest further consultation with your dentist and oral surgeon to facilitate effective management of TMJ pain.

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