labour pain management How to reduce labour pain during pregnancy Physical techniques

labour pain management how to reduce labour pain during pregnancy Natural pain relief in labour Raise your comfort level with these tips to cope with pain and labor. First, decide who and what will be with you. Then learn about what you can do with your body and mind during contractions. You'll be amazed at your ability to discover and stay in your comfort zone.

1. Find a Soothing Environment
Your birth setting must feel safe to you. It should have space to walk and bathe, as well as a variety of furniture and devices to enhance movement and pain relief: a CD player, rocking chair, birth ball, low stool, squatting bar and soft bed. It should also have policies that encourage you to try a variety of positions. Access to appropriate medical care is crucial if problems arise.

2. Choose Your Team Carefully
Knowledgeable, caring midwives, doctors, nurses, partners, loved ones and doulas create a supportive birth team. When you're treated with respect and patience, stress 3. Learn About Labor
Find out everything you can about labor from books, magazines, Web sites, videos, classes, a hospital tour and discussions with your health-care provider, doula, family and friends. Familiarize yourself with the procedures and customs at your hospital or birth center, and ask about flexibility. Such discussions are best had before labor. More knowledge means fewer surprises.

. Express Your Fears
Are you worried about pain and labor, needles, medicines or losing control? Speak with a knowledgeable and trusted friend, childbirth educator or doula. Voicing your concerns can bring relief as well as practical solutions to your concerns. Stating your preferences in a birth plan can also help calm fears.

5. Practice Rhythmic Breathing
Breathe fully in a slow rhythm during contractions. Release tension with each exhalation and try moaning. Also try taking quick breaths, about one every 2 to 3 seconds (20 to 30 per minute). If you lose your rhythm, your partner needs to help you regain it with eye contact, rhythmic hand or head movements, or by talking you through contractions.

6. Use Imagery and Visualization
Focusing on something that makes you happy (like your partner's face, an inspirational picture or favorite object) engages your senses and decreases your awareness of pain. Listen to music, a soothing voice or a recording of ocean waves, and imagine yourself in a relaxing environment.

7. Take a Warm Shower or Bath
A warm shower is soothing, especially if you can sit on a stool and direct a handheld showerhead onto your abdomen or back. Bathing in warm water can relax you, and it may even speed up labor.

8. Keep Moving
Move around as much as you can. Walk, lean, sway, rock and squat. Some positions will be more comfortable than others.

9. Seek Relief with Warm or Cool Compresses
Place a warm pack on your lower abdomen, groin, lower back or shoulders during labor. A cold pack or latex glove filled with ice chips can soothe painful areas. Cool cloths relieve a sweaty face, chest or neck.

10. Indulge in Gentle Touch or Massage
Whether it's someone holding your hand, stroking your cheek or hair, or patting your hand or shoulder, touch conveys reassurance, caring and understanding. Have your partner or doula massage you with light or firm strokes using oil or lotion.

Understanding labour pain Signs of labour

Understanding the causes of labor pain will make it easier for you to cope. There are two basic factors for pain in childbirth: physical and emotional. Learn more about these factors and what you can do to lessen the experience of pain during labor. ◄SUBSCRIBE US ► —-

Most of the physical pain in labor is caused by: Muscle cramps and straining Medical tests and procedures (pelvic exams, shots, IVs, catheterization, and so forth)
Position of the baby

Your muscles are hard at work during labor and you might experience strain and fatigue in your legs, arms, and back from the various positions and straining. Your uterine muscles make powerful contractions in order to dilate the cervix, and that causes cramping. To relieve these types of pain, try relaxation techniques — they'll go a long way in allowing nature to take its course, letting these muscles do the work they need to do. Also, don't forget to breathe! Breathing properly will help ensure that your muscles get the oxygen they need to work most efficiently.

Medical tests and interventions can be uncomfortable, too. But bear in mind that often this discomfort is only temporary. Ask your health-care provider to talk with you about some of the tests and procedures you might need. Express your opinion about what kinds of interventions you find acceptable. If you have a good rapport with your health-care provider, you'll have more peace of mind. You'll feel less stress and anxiety, and this can actually help minimize the perceived discomfort of tests and procedures.

There are certain painful situations — such as "back labor," a condition caused by the position of the fetus — that are difficult to control. However, even in back labor there are many things you can do to help relieve the pain. Try massage, movement, vocalization, breathing, hypnosis, and medications to cope with the pain. Also, the baby might be encouraged to change position by massage or by your changing position.