Today’s HealthNews For You Fried Foods and Cancer

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Announcer: Welcome to another HealthNews video news release brought to you by HealthNews. In today's news, recent studies show a direct link between consuming fried foods and several types of cancer. The proof might be in the pudding but in this case, it's in that basket of fries. Deep fried foods in general have been linked to a wide variety of cancers including breast cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer, throat cancer and several others. Eating fried foods has also been linked to tumor aggressiveness and the progression of many different types of cancer.

Why? Just heating oil that hot can generate potential carcinogenic compounds like acrylamide which is most commonly found in french fries. Acrylamide intake has also been associated with several forms of cancer. Who doesn't love french fries? Kids do and studies show 2-3 children out of 10,000 will develop cancer from eating french fries. The level of cancer risks depends on how long and how hot they are fried. Blanching potatoes first helps lower acrylamide formation or cooking at a lower temperature for less time.

Chefs complain that these cooking techniques compromise the taste which is why we've yet to see any subsequent change in acrylamide levels in french fries, studies show. Eating a healthy diet and eliminating fried foods will significantly decrease the risk of cancer. Remember, your best source for diet, nutrition and supplement information is your Metabolic Typing Advisor and Functional Diagnostic Nutritionist. Call them today and that's it for today's HealthNews.

This information is provided for educational and entertainment purposes only and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the practitioner that you received it from. It is not intended as a substitute for professional advice of any kind. HealthNews assumes no responsibility for the use or misuse of this material.  It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information only. HealthNews encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.

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