Sciatic Nerve Pain Rehab – Inflamed Sciatic Nerve

What hurts…: left side of my back which i presume is my sciatica nerve, if i sit too much then the pain goes down my left thigh and sometimes down into my left shin or area below my knee.

How you hurt it…: don't really know other than maybe lifting cans at work and it was easing until i did some gardening and then it got worse.

When you hurt it…: probably four or five months ago.

Your pain level (1 is low, 10 is high pain): varies between 2 and 8.

Your age and overall health…: 62 and overweight.

Any other information you feel is relevant…: eases when on my feet and walking around.

Inflamed Sciatic Nerve.

Controlling Inflammation Around Nerve by Icing: Lay side-lined with the painful side up. Place a pillow between your knees for comfort. Place ice pack on painful region for 15 minutes, 2 to 3 times per day with at least one hour in-between.

One Knee-To-Chest: Bring one knee to your check and hold for 15 seconds. Switch to other knee until you have completed this 3 times on each leg. These exercises should not bring about pain, stop if they do.

Both Knees-To-Chest: Bring both knees to your chest together holding them there for 15 seconds. Repeat this exercise 3 times.

Nerve Glide: While on your back, bend your knees. Lift one knee up, while holding the back with your hands or band and pump your knee into and out of the pain. Repeat this exercise 10 times on both knees.

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Knee pain ,arthritis and Injured Cartilage – Everything You Need To Know – Dr. Nabil Ebraheim, M.D.

Dr. Ebraheim’s educational animated video describing knee arthritis and knee pain .demonstrating knee arthritis and explaining the difficulty the physician encounters during the treatment of injured cartilage and arthritis. It appears that when the knee arthritis is minimal, almost all treatment methods work. However, when the knee arthritis is more than minimal, there are many option presented to the physician but none of them are predictable. The appropriate treatment option for knee arthritis, when dealing with
severe arthritis of the knee joint is to perform total knee replacement surgery.operation on the knee for reconstruction of the damaged cartilage from knee arthritis is done so the patient will have relief from the symptoms of pain swelling and popping .treatment is improved by adding therapy , rehab and exercises during the recovery phase,the patient should seek medical advice when he suspects having arthritis

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