Gluteus Medius Pain at Iliac Crest on Runners – Sports Chiropractor Huntington Beach

714-502-4243 to learn prevention methods. We specialize in sports injuries and getting athletes back to their sports fast (running injuries, shoulder tendonitis, IT Band, Runners Knee, Hip Flexor tightness). We see athletes anywhere from baseball, triathletes, golfers, basketball, cyclist, runners and so on. We provide Active Release Techniques (ART), chiropractic care, strength training and corrective exercises. The Performance Place Sports Care is located in Huntington Beach, CA.

Looking for a new Chiropractor in Huntington Beach? Check out the link and Book an appointment today!

Dr. Gonzales is a Huntington Beach chiropractor serving Huntington Beach and the surrounding community. Regardless if you are suffering from back pain, neck pain, headaches, shoulder pain, or sports injuries, our chiropractor can help you heal your conditions with chiropractic treatments and massage, such as Active Release. If you have been in a car accident, there is a chance you need a Chiropractor in Huntington Beach to help you overcome conditions, which occur in car accidents, such as whiplash. Dr. Gonzales, who has been a Huntington Beach Chiropractor for runners, triathletes and golfers can help you with chronic conditions as well as acute sports injuries. Visit our website and book a free consultation to see our chiropractor for chiropractic care today.

Never been to a chiropractor before? No worries! The first session to our Chiropractic Center in Huntington Beach will consist of a consultation with one of our chiropractors, where we will perform treatment on the very same day… you'll feel pain relief before you leave our chiropractic sports center. Our team of therapists and doctors are honest and will help you decided the right treatment plan for you.

How long will my care be at a Chiropractic Clinic? Every chiropractic clinic is different but our chiropractor in Huntington Beach have been known for providing short treatment plans and keeping Huntington Beach's active community moving with minimal downtime.

If you would like more information about a Huntington Beach Chiropractor near you, please visit our website.

Huntington Beach Chiropractor
Huntington Beach Chiropractic
Huntington Beach Chiropractic Clinic
Huntington Beach Active Release Techniques ART

Chiropractor in Huntington Beach

Different people suffer through different health disorders that need to have several doctors and medical practitioners who can get them rid from their problems. In this way, Chiropractor is available for all these purposes. It is the health care medical facility that provides instant relief against all kinds of problems.

Chiropractic is a natural healing science, art and philosophy primarily concerned with detecting and then eliminating interference to your nervous system. Since your nervous system controls every aspect of your body, chiropractic can have a major impact on multiple areas of your health. Founded in 1895, it is the world's largest drug-free healthcare system and the 3rd largest primary healthcare system in the USA behind medicine and dentistry. Over 25 million Americans will see their chiropractor this year.

This is the practice which is very common in Huntington. The Huntington Beach chiropractor is based on the fact that every structure and function of your body is controlled by the nervous system. If there is interference to the nervous system, then whatever body part or function that nerve was controlling will stop working at 100%. Chiropractor in Huntington Beach is a safe, reliable and effective option available because of which a person can get relief easily within quick span of time. Chiropractors focus on the spine because this is where the delicate nerves are most likely to be compressed or irritated as they pass through on their way to control all parts of your body.

The majority of spinal problems arise from physical, mechanical stress to your body such as accidents, injuries, prolonged sitting etc. These stresses and injuries result in stiff immovable joints which in turn cause surrounding joints to become overworked, loose and eventually damaged. The treatment to correct these problems also has to be physical and mechanical in nature.

For most people the chiropractic treatments, called spinal adjustments, are not only comfortable but is actually an enjoyable experience. All treatment is geared to each individual's comfort level and the old "No Pain No Gain" approach is never used. It is heartwarming to see children who are so small they can't even get up on the adjusting table by themselves, fighting with their siblings to be the first one adjusted. Pediatricians would be green with envy to see how even the smallest kids are happy to be in the chiropractic office and how they love to get adjusted.

Trochanteric Bursitis, hip pain, hip bursitis, Huntington Beach Sports Chiropractor, active release technique, Gluteus Medius Pain at Iliac Crest on Runners

Foot Numbness – Sciatica vs Tarsal Tunnel – Chiropractor Huntington Beach 714-502-4243

Foot Numbness is a common symptom found in runners and corporate workers alike. The cause of foot numbness can stem from many different sources.
Posterior tibial tendon dysfunction
Foot swelling from running
Posterior Compartment Syndrome
Disc herniation/rupture
Fibromyalgia syndrome
Multiple Sclerosis

The first thought process when a runner complains of foot numbness while running can be due to swelling of the feet while running, and if the shoe laces are too tight it can compress the vasculature leading to numbness of the foot. An acute injury, such as from a fall, can tear the posterior tibial tendon or cause it to become inflamed. The tendon can also tear due to overuse. For example, people who do high-impact sports, such as basketball, tennis, or soccer, may have tears of the tendon from repetitive use. Once the tendon becomes inflamed or torn, the arch will collapse over time. Posterior tibial tendon dysfunction, tarsal tunnel syndrome, is more common in women and in people older than 40 years of age. Additional risk factors include obesity, diabetes, and hypertension. High-impact sports can also put a lot of pressure on vertebral discs and cause a herniation or rupture. If you have a herniation or rupture of the vertebral disc, symptoms of pain and numbness that trail along the lower extremity into the foot are common.

Fibromyalgia syndrome is another cause of foot numbness. Typically found in females age 20-50 with long-term tenderness and pain in the joints and muscles. Multiple Sclerosis is an autoimmune condition that can affect women between 20-40 years of age and lead to damage of the myelin sheath of nerves, causing symptoms of muscle spasms and numbness. Diabetes is a metabolic disease found in those with elevated blood sugar levels and low blood circulation, which leads to nerve damage and eventually numbness in the hands and feet.

Vasculature in the lower extremity is intense and heavily intertwined. A general understanding of anatomy is important to diagnose the cause of the foot numbness. In an ankle joint with swelling or prior trauma, the vasculature and nerves can become quiet irritated and become inflamed. Those who have difficulty running may have a restricted joint in the lower extremity, but a majority is due to poor biomechanics from a previous overuse injury of the soft tissue.

When observing the ankle for motion, the patient may experience numbness with flexion and extension, which is a good indicator that there is some sort of restriction in the soft tissue or in the joint. To fully diagnose a foot numbness, a thorough functional assessment and foot and ankle exam must be done and in some cases imaging may be necessary. A musculoskeletal ultrasound would be ideal to view an possible damage to the underlying soft tissue of the foot and ankle. The choice of imaging for a disc is, MRI.

See more at:

Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome, Tarsal Tunnel, numbness in foot, foot numbness, tarsal tunnel of foot, tarsal tunnel of ankle, tarsal tunnel treatment, tarsal tunnel surgery, tarsal tunnel therapy, tarsal tunnel stretch, numb foot, numb feeling outer foot, ball of foot numb, why my left foot is numb, exercises numb foot, sciatica exercises, sciatica pain, exercises for sciatica pain, sciatica pain relief, treatment for sciatica, exercises for sciatica, sciatica treatment, sciatica pain treatment, sciatica numbness of foot, foot numbness of sciatica

#3 Most Common Cause of Hip Pain – Rectus Femoris Origin Strain

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21 Best Hip Mobility Drills:
Other Hip Injuries for Runners:

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Most runners at one time or another will experience hip pain when running, as most as if it aches into the joint or the groin. The pain may get worse as you run and when your all done, you ice it and think with a good night’s rest it will be gone… hopefully. Unfortunately some runners aren’t so lucky. When you wake up you might feel pain with simple tasks, even putting on your shoes. I have had this and I defeated it. The trick is you have to know what you are dealing with in the first place when it come to hip pain when running.

What are some Signs and Symptoms of Hip Flexor Tendonitis (hip pain when running)?

Pain on the front of the hip around the groin
Pain with long strides, putting on shoes, walking stairs, standing from a sitting position
Pain with quick hip flexion
Slow onset
Pain increases with activity
Possible radiation to knee

How do I know if I have Hip Flexor Tendonitis (hip pain when running)?

X-ray’s will rule out if there is a problem in the joint
Definitive answer is an MRI
Physical Exam by a Medical Professional

What causes Hip Flexor Tendonitis (hip pain when running)?

Acute Trauma
Strain during eccentric contractions

Who gets Hip Flexor Tendonitis (hip pain when running)?

Baseball players
Hockey players
Soccer players

What are some common treatments for Hip Flexor Tendonitis (hip pain when running)?

Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory medications
Active Release Technique®
Corticosteroid Injection
Platelet Rich Plasma

How does P2 Sports Care treat Hip Flexor Tendonitis?

First you must understand how inflammation of the tendon could occur. Many times when tissues in the body become overused they have a tendency of developing small tears from micro-trauma. The tendon of the hip flexor is no exception. These tears within tendons and other soft tissues fill up with scar tissue overtime. This scar tissue is not as flexible and resilient as normal tendinous tissue and as a result can tear again easily and the cycle will continue, thus leading to the development of a repetitive stress injury. This is how hip pain when running can become chronic.

At P2 Sports Care we believe much of the RICE method can be done at home when the injury is acute (fresh). However, rarely do we consider Hip Flexor Tendonitis as an acute or traumatic injury. When most people feel pain in the hip region it has actually had a “silent” problem for months, so it is perfect for our type of treatment. This condition normally responds quickly to types of treatment which focus on removing scar tissue, such as Active Release® and Graston.

Careful palpation of the area may in fact reveal the problem is not of the primary hip flexor tendon (psoas tendon) at all, but rather from tendonitis of other structures. The rectus femoris, obturator externus, pectineus, sartorius and the anterior portion of the hip capsule can be the primary structures causing hip pain when running of similar in presentation. If you have a provider with skilled palpation skills, the exact structure is not hard to locate.

We focus on a systematic approach to improving the health of the problematic tendons/ muscles and give instructions for prevention of re-injury.