The Health Professional Magazine (journal of medicine | articles | advertisements | supplies)

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About Us

The rehabilitation assessment industry covers a wide umbrella of specialties and occupations. The Health Professional was conceived of as a way to deliver interdisciplinary advice and research in a manner that would be attractive to both the professionals who would be reading it and to the advertisers that wanted to reach them.

The Health Professional brings together a community of previously isolated practices through the pages of a professionally produced and written magazine. Rehabilitation professionals are given timely, research-based information as well as tips for practice management. We are driven by the high quality demands of our readers.

While we are based in southern Ontario, The Health Professional addresses the needs of chiropractors, physiotherapists, speech pathologists, psychologists and other professionals in the rehabilitation assessment industry across Ontario with a circulation of over 10,000.

“Men’ s Health” Hair Transplant Article – behind the scenes – When Men's Health editor, W. Doug Dechert decided he needed a hair transplant, his research led him to Dr. Alan Bauman of Bauman Medical Group of Boca Raton, Florida. Here's the lighthearted 'behind the scenes' video called "Bob and Doug's Excellent Hair Adventure" which led to the now famous "Scalp Job: Keep Your Hair Forever" article on hair transplantation. "Keep Your Hair Forever" by W. Doug Dechert appeared in Men's Health Magazine several years ago. To view the reprint of the article, visit

Doug's linear-harvest hair transplant procedure was performed back in 2004, before the NeoGraft FUE device was available. Dr. Alan Bauman has been a medical adviser to Men's Health Magazine and featured in several articles on hair loss, hair restoration treatments like finasteride, minoxidil and low level laser therapy as well as hair transplantation.

For more information on American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery-Certified hair transplant surgeon Dr. Alan J. Bauman please visit

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