Low back pain and sciatica, exercises to relieve back pain / Physiotherapy at home

Translation: Blanca Martínez Herráez

Low back pain or lumbago is a common disorder involving the muscles and bones of the back. It affects about 40% of people at some point in their lives. Low back pain (often abbreviated as LBP) may be classified by duration as acute (pain lasting less than 6 weeks), sub-chronic (6 to 12 weeks), or chronic (more than 12 weeks). The condition may be further classified by the underlying cause as either mechanical, non-mechanical, or referred pain.

In most episodes of low back pain, a specific underlying cause is not identified or even looked for, with the pain believed to be due to mechanical problems such as muscle or joint strain. If the pain does not go away with conservative treatment or if it is accompanied by "red flags" such as unexplained weight loss, fever, or significant problems with feeling or movement, further testing may be needed to look for a serious underlying problem. In most cases, imaging tools such as X-ray computed tomography are not useful and carry their own risks. Despite this, the use of imaging in low back pain has increased. Some low back pain is caused by damaged intervertebral discs, and the straight leg raise test is useful to identify this cause. In those with chronic pain, the pain processing system may malfunction, causing large amounts of pain in response to non-serious events.

The treatment of acute nonspecific low back pain is typically with conservative measures such as the use of simple pain medications and the continuation of as much normal activity as the pain allows. Medications are recommended for the duration that they are helpful, with acetaminophen (also known as paracetamol) as the preferred first medication. The symptoms of low back pain usually improve within a few weeks from the time they start, with 40-90% of people completely better by six weeks.

A number of other options are available for those who do not improve with usual treatment. Opioids may be useful if simple pain medications are not enough, but they are not generally recommended due to side effects. Surgery may be beneficial for those with disc-related chronic pain and disability. It may also be useful for those with spinal stenosis. No clear benefit has been found for other cases of non-specific low back pain. Low back pain often affects mood, which may be improved by counseling and/or antidepressants. Additionally, there are many alternative medicine therapies, including the Alexander technique and herbal remedies, but there is insufficient evidence to recommend them confidently. The evidence for chiropractic care and spinal manipulation is mixed.



back pain, sciatica and backaches | Baba Ramdev Yoga | Patanjali Yogpeeth Yatra

Asans for back pain, sciatica and backaches | Baba Ramdev Yoga | Patanjali Yogpeeth Yatra


Baba Ramdev Yoga videos in hindi will provide information on how to do Asans for back pain, sciatica and backaches….


Ramdev Baba Ramdev Yoga Patanjali Yogpeeth Yatra


BEST Exercises for Sciatica Pain Relief – Sciatic Nerve Stretches – Herniated Disc – Spinal Stenosis

Exercises for Sciatica and Sciatic Nerve Pain http://PainFreeInstitute.net/sciatica-launch

In this short video you'll learn the top 3 exercises and stretches for sciatic nerve pain and its causes so you can finally get sciatica relief.

Knowing the cause of what's causing your sciatic pain is extremely important because it will decide what sciatica treatment plan you'll be using.

When you have a pinched sciatic nerve, you'll have sciatica symptoms such as sharp pain in the low back that shoots down the leg, causes numbness and tingling, and also weakness.


The main causes of sciatica are herniated disc or disc bulges, lumbar spinal canal stenosis, and problems in the pelvis such as piriformis syndrome.

You'll learn the top 3 sciatic nerve exercises for sciatica pain relief and each cause of sciatica over at http://PainFreeInstitute.net

Once there you'll find plenty of exercise videos to learn how to cure sciatica from the convenience of your home. Sciatica home treatments are a convenient way to save time and money.

If you're looking to save even more money on treatments, watch this video so you can learn how decompression therapy can help sciatica and you can do it from home https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R2HnwVNJdVs

You can also see the sciatica exercises and stretches on this blog post http://painfreeinstitute.net/best-3-sciatica-home-exercises/

If you liked this video, make sure you connect with me on social media so you don't miss any future uploads.





Here's what some patients had to say:

Terms mentioned in this video:
herniated disc
disc herniation
bulging disc
sciatic nerve pain
sciatica exercises
exercises for sciatica
sciatica relief
sciatica treatment
sciatica pain relief
sciatic nerve stretches
slipped disc
pinched nerve

Exercises for Sciatica

Low Back Pain – Disc Herniation ,Sciatica – Everything You Need To Know – Dr. Nabil Ebraheim

Dr. Ebraheim’s educational animated video describing disc herniation of the lumbo sacral spine, the etiology, signs and symptoms, diagnosis , and treatment options.

this video is created by university of toledo orthopedic surgeon
this video is produced by university of Toledo orthopedic surgeon

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