Obama Promises To Lower Health Insurance Premiums by $2,500 Per Year

President Obama repeatedly promised that his signature health law, the Affordable Care Act, a.k.a. Obamacare, would reduce insurance premiums by $2,500 for the typical family. Instead, premiums have increased by a comparable amount. Video compilation by Naked Emperor News of TheBlaze.com. For more on how Obama came up with this faulty projection, read this account in the New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/07/23/us/23health.html?_r=3&pagewanted=all

Health Insurance Explained – The YouToons Have It Covered

This cartoon explains health insurance using fun, easy-to-understand scenarios. It breaks down important insurance concepts, such as premiums, deductibles and provider networks. The video explains how individuals purchase and obtain medical care and prescription drugs when enrolled in various types of health insurance, including HMOs and PPOs.

This is the third YouToons video written and produced by the Kaiser Family Foundation. The video is narrated by former U.S. Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, a nationally-recognized surgeon and Foundation trustee.

Also available in Spanish: http://youtu.be/mDPhCo11z0E

To download the video, please visit: http://www.kff.org/youtoons-health-insurance-explained

This year's open enrollment period begins on Sunday, November 1, 2015, and ends Sunday, January 31, 2016.

Health Reform Explained Video: “Health Reform Hits Main Street”

Watch the newest YouToons video (released Nov. 11, 2014), Health Insurance Explained – The YouToons Have It Covered: http://youtu.be/-58VD3z7ZiQ
Health care reform explained in "Health Reform Hits Main Street."
Confused about how the new health care reform law really works? This short, animated movie — featuring the "YouToons" — explains the problems with the current health care system, the changes that are happening now, and the big changes coming in 2014. Written and produced by the Kaiser Family Foundation. Narrated by Cokie Roberts, a news commentator for ABC News and NPR and a member of Kaiser's Board of Trustees. Creative production and animation by Free Range Studios.
Also let the YouToons illustrate how health insurance coverage will work under reform. Visit: http://healthreform.kff.org/profiles.aspx

The YouToons Get Ready for Obamacare

Watch the newest YouToons video (released Nov. 11, 2014), Health Insurance Explained – The YouToons Have It Covered: http://youtu.be/-58VD3z7ZiQ

About The YouToons Get Ready for Obamacare: Join the YouToons as they walk through the basic changes in the way Americans will get health coverage and what it will cost starting in 2014, when major parts of the Affordable Care Act, also known as "Obamacare," go into effect. To download the video, please visit www.kff.org/health-reform/video/youtoons-obamacare-video/