3Hr Soothing Headache, Migraine, Pain and Anxiety Relief – Gentle Waterfall | Delta Binaural Beats

DOWNLOAD: 2 Hr version on itunes at: https://goo.gl/9BfmxG
A soothing 3hour track to assist with managing headache, migraine and pain relief, also useful for anxiety and stress relief.
To download our other quality meditations and kids stories please go to : https://goo.gl/GZgOJz
© SLEEPEZY TONIGHT All rights reserved 2016. Any reproduction or republication of all or part of this video/audio is prohibited.
PLEASE NOTE; It is not necessary to watch the video if you have migraine or headache – THE VIDEO IS FOR SHOW ONLY – IT IS THE SOUND THAT IS THE HELP – NOT THE VISUALS.

Please wear headphones for best results.

DOWNLOAD: 2 Hr version on itunes at: https://goo.gl/9BfmxG

► Relief is on it's way! Check out our MEGA Packs for Sleep, Anxiety and Pain. http://vid.io/xqIg

At Sleep Ezy Tonight we compose and provide quality MEDITATIONS and MUSIC to aid relaxation and sleep. We want to help you to SLEEP, UNWIND, RELAX and RENEW. We provide relaxation music from all over the world and beautiful sounds that instill CALM. On our channel you will find SPOKEN MEDITATIONS, RELAXATION MUSIC, CALMING NATURE SOUNDS, BINAURAL BEATS, CHAKRA MEDITATION & Much more.

► Check out some of the other videos on this channel (over 200+ and counting!) https://goo.gl/v9qJMJ

Try this Migraine headache relief music if you want help to relieve symptoms associated with headache or migraines. It will not work for everyone, however it has helped a LOT of people to assist with managing symptoms associated with headaches etc.

Using Isochronic tones, binaural beats and sounds from nature (a babbling brook), this recording will assist in the process of chronic pain relief – including migraines, headaches and even fibromyalgia.

It's beautiful relaxation music and is a 3 hour brainwave entrainment recording uses Delta frequencies (The deepest sound frequencies) to relax the listener, whilst allowing the body to naturally come into balance whilst healing and repairing itself.
Use this recording in a quiet place, free of distractions, sitting in a chair or whilst lying down.

Pop on some headphones (binaural beats are best used with headphones), close your eyes and allow your body and mind to relax. The brainwave entrainment will 'entrain' your mind to frequencies of health and well-being, thus reducing chronic aches and pains. Can also be used as meditation music.

Please note. Never use this recording to take the place of professional medical assistance and never use whilst driving or operating machinery.

The Research and Science behind brainwave entrainment:


Understanding Trauma: How Stress and Trauma Cause Chronic Pain, Anxiety, Depression, & PTSD

http://www.wellnessandperformance.com Watch this video to find out how Trauma and Stress impact the brain to create chronic conditions, like: chronic pain, depression, anxiety, post traumatic stress, and fibromyalgia. You will understand how the brain / body connection works and why nothing you've tried has helped so far. If you or a loved one suffer from chronic health problems no matter what you've tried, then you can't afford to miss this cutting edge information. You'll also learn how to get started doing something about it right from home for less than $10 by visiting: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0090S9XFG

Natural Remedy for joint pain over night (pre-recorded Friday)

Disclaimer: The information that is shared herein is intended for informational purposes regarding Any advice and/or product(s) mentioned should not be used to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Always consult your healthcare professional if you are currently taking medication, pregnant, trying to get pregnant, nursing, or if you have any other health condition before taking any products mentioned or applying any information contained herein. Please be advised.

I will not put these diseases upon thee:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DEIeYgIdIpA

1 med red onion
2-4 Tablespoon of Epson salt
Blend well and apply to the area over night for 8 hours.

Massage Pro Full Round Bolster, Black, 6 Inch X 26 Inchhttp://www.amazon.com/Massage-Pro-Round-Bolster-Black/dp/B00E4FKKJI/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1436605864&sr=8-1&keywords=massage+therapy+bolster&tag=HairNailsBeautytips-20

The Chemistry of AN ONION

As onions are sliced, they release a class of
enzymes, allinases, which break down amino
acid sulfoxides. A specific compound produced
during this process is 1-propenesulfenic acid,
which is rearranged by another enzyme, called
lachrymatory factor synthase, to produce syn-
propanethial-S-oxide. Production of this gas
peaks 30 seconds after mechanical damage to
the onion, and it stimulates sensory neurons in
the eye causing a stinging sensation; the eye
therefore produces tears to flush it out.

Thiosulfinates are the primary flavour and odour producing molecules in an onion. These compounds are not present in intact bulbs, but are formed via enzymatic reaction from sulfur amino acids. Allicin is one of these compounds, which in turn quickly breaks down to form other sulfur-containing compounds
