KT Tape: Full Knee Support

Knee pain can be caused by any number of issues. The kneecap, or patella, could be moving incorrectly. One or more meniscus may be torn, ruptured, or inflamed. There may be arthritis, plica, chrondomalacia, or any number of issues with the bones that constitute the knee. The beauty of this application is the breadth of conditions it covers with it's relatively simple effects of balancing the muscles effect on the knee and relieving pressure on the kneecap and its tendon.
Knee issues arise from equally as many causes. Muscle imbalances, poor running form, misaligned hips or poor posture, poor nutrition, overtraining, compensation for another injury, hyperextension, arthritis, and blunt trauma to ligaments are just a few of the most common causes of knee pain. Common effective treatments among all of these conditions include increasing circulation, providing support, reducing pressure, and maintaining range of motion.
KT Tape serves all of these purposes without the downsides of bracing or wrapping. Common injuries such as runner's knee or patella tendonitis, jumper's knee, patella tracking, arthritis, meniscus tears, plica, patellofemoral pain, and general instability can all be best addressed by using the fell knee support application.
With this application you will get support, pain relief, and normal body mechanics without restricting motion or circulation like other treatments.
For additional resources, please visit the KT Tape website at www.kttape.com.

Lower Back Pain Relief / Hip and Back Pain Exercises

Buy this DVD or INSTANT VIDEO DOWNLOAD at BackAndHipRelief.com

Lower back pain exercises to relieve back pain by stretching the tight muscles around the hips that attach to the lower back. Follow each lower back pain exercise to deturmine if the muscles in your hips are so tight as to cause discomfort in the back, legs, hips. If these muscles are very tight then I reccoment that you purchase this DVD so that you can stretch the inside of the hips, the outside of the hips and stregthen the weak areas at the same time. This DVD is available at BackandHipRelief.com. I will try to get to questions as I can but I am not on this site very often due to my work load. Best of luck – I hope this helps – Aloha – David Wicker

Sciatic Nerve Pain Rehab – Inflamed Sciatic Nerve

What hurts…: left side of my back which i presume is my sciatica nerve, if i sit too much then the pain goes down my left thigh and sometimes down into my left shin or area below my knee.

How you hurt it…: don't really know other than maybe lifting cans at work and it was easing until i did some gardening and then it got worse.

When you hurt it…: probably four or five months ago.

Your pain level (1 is low, 10 is high pain): varies between 2 and 8.

Your age and overall health…: 62 and overweight.

Any other information you feel is relevant…: eases when on my feet and walking around.

Inflamed Sciatic Nerve.

Controlling Inflammation Around Nerve by Icing: Lay side-lined with the painful side up. Place a pillow between your knees for comfort. Place ice pack on painful region for 15 minutes, 2 to 3 times per day with at least one hour in-between.

One Knee-To-Chest: Bring one knee to your check and hold for 15 seconds. Switch to other knee until you have completed this 3 times on each leg. These exercises should not bring about pain, stop if they do.

Both Knees-To-Chest: Bring both knees to your chest together holding them there for 15 seconds. Repeat this exercise 3 times.

Nerve Glide: While on your back, bend your knees. Lift one knee up, while holding the back with your hands or band and pump your knee into and out of the pain. Repeat this exercise 10 times on both knees.

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