Get Rid of Shoulder and Upper Arm Pain by Flossing the Musculocutaneous Nerve.

Once you watch this video you will be able to release entrapment's of the Musculocutaneous Nerve, which is commonly associated with shoulder and upper arm pain. This type of exercise (combined with other protocols) will help you to resolve even chronic shoulder and upper arm pain that has not responded to conventional therapy.

Get Rid of Chronic Rotator Cuff Pain by Flossing the Suprascapular Nerve

Once you watch this video you will be able to release entrapment's of the Suprascapular Nerve, which is commonly associated with rotator cuff pain. This type of exercise (combined with other protocols) will help you to resolve even chronic rotator cuff injuries that has not responded to conventional therapy.

Ulnar Nerve Flossing Exercise – Amazing Results – Kinetic Health

If you have a ulnar nerve entrapment syndrome use the exercises in this video to floss, mobilize, and release this nerve from its surrounding tissues.

The ulnar nerve can be compressed at the wrist, beneath the collarbone, or as it comes out of the spinal cord in the neck. When the ulnar nerve compression occurs at the elbow, it is called "cubital tunnel syndrome."