Sleep Hypnosis for Pain Relief

Hello my name is Jody and welcome to sleep hypnosis for pain relief. Please lie down and close your eyes or make yourself as comfortable as you possibly can where ever you are right now. This audio is for sleep so if you are listening to this at bedtime or nap time you have chosen an excellent time to do so. If this is not a convenient time for you to fall asleep, no worries, if you simply relax and listen I am sure you will find something in these words that is useful to you as you learn to manage you own pain easily and naturally. I would recommend you do not listen to this recording if you are driving a car or doing anything that might be dangerous if you fall asleep as many people often do while listening to sleep hypnosis videos. It may also be wise to bring your pain to a doctor's attention if you have not already done so to make sure everything is in order and functioning as well as can be so you can attack this problem on all levels. Soon we will be going on a journey into your own mind and nervous system where you can see or imagine some of the factors within you that come into play when you experience pain and make adjustments where necessary to decrease the sensation of this stimulus and the emotional distress that often accompanies it. As we do this you will be encouraged to relax very deeply. Deep relaxation is a natural and healthy analgesic and as you relax more deeply and drift off into a deep and comfortable sleep…as you become very deeply asleep…you will not be feeling any thing at all while you are resting and rejuvenate yourself…giving your mind and body the rest it needs to you can awake refreshed and able to cope with, and maybe even enjoy, whatever is going on in your life situation right now……

How I Deal with Chronic Pain

Warning: this video will be sad.

Martina suffers from chronic pain as a result of having Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. You don't see it in our videos often, because we tend to shoot on days that we're doing well. But on some days the pain can be unbearable, and Martina can barely focus. So what do we do on those days? Today Martina will show you, start to finish, how she deals with Chronic Pain, how she refuses to give up, and how she continues to #buildaladder.

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How to Prevent Knee Surgery and Natural Pain Management of Chronic Knee Pain

Here we discuss new pain management methods and techniques for preventing knee surgery and chronic knee pain. Many new tools, devices, and instruments have been developed over the last decade that can give a person more options than risky and expensive knee surgery.
In this story I share how I have helped many patients postpone and even avoid knee surgery. We also talk about some great new ways to manage chronic knee pain.

To get more information and links to the products I talk about in this video please see my article here.

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Tell Me a Story: Managing Chronic Pain from Ehlers Danlos Syndrome
Pain is a drag. It can wear you down. Even when you're 12. Hallie Pollard, a pre-teen ballet dancer, knows what it's like to deal with aches that get in the way of life. She started coming to the Pain Clinic at Cincinnati Children's last year. She was a double-jointed athlete whose tricks began to hurt her. Specialists diagnosed her with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, or EDS, a condition that makes her joints hyper elastic and prone to pain. Dr. Ken Goldschneider and the pain management team at Cincinnati Children's taught her how to manage her symptoms and be in control of her pain. Hallie says she has her life back. "Pain's not controlling it anymore," she says. "I'm controlling it."