Sciatica Treatment – How To Cure SCIATICA NERVE PAIN Naturally

HOW TO RELIEVE SCIATICA PAIN FROM HOME? LEARN home remedies to treat sciatica nerve pain.

Sciatica Pain Solutions: Did you know that the Sciatica nerve is the largest nerve in your body? Many people suffer from a constant pain that travels from the lower back region, down to the legs. This pain is termed as Sciatica. It is a very uncomfortable feeling and can be a hindrance while performing your daily chores. Simple activities like walking or standing can become strenuous for those who suffer with this pain. Generally sciatica is cured in a month or two but if ignored, can worsen with time.
Sciatica treatment in Ayurveda too has benefited a number of people. Natural remedies treat the problem from the root and do not cause any side effects.

This kind of a pain is associated with the sciatica nerve. Some people experience a pain triggering down from the lower back right down to one side of the leg. Sciatica pain can last for a few days and makes it very difficult for the individual. In some cases the pain can even extend down to the foot. However it is always better to visit the doctor in case the pain continues and does not subside after a certain period of time. Sometimes sciatica pain can also be caused due to the irritation of the nerve due to the bone next to it.

Let us understand what causes sciatica:

1. Compression of a nerve: The sciatic nerve is the longest in the body and any kind of compression to this nerve can cause excruciating pain at times.

2. Improper posture: Sitting in wrong postures for a long period of time can cause back pain and also compress certain nerves.
3. Overweight: Are you are overweight? If you are, then you could at a risk of developing sciatica pain. People with weight issues must keep a watch on what they are eating.
4. Infection: Sciatica pain can also occur due to an underlining infection inside or just around the lumbar spine.

Listed are some symptoms of sciatica:

1. Lower back pain: If you feel a constant pain which doesn’t subside over a period of time, it could be indication that you are suffering from sciatica.

2. Inability to stand for long: People suffering with sciatica, cannot stand for very long. Performing any activity for prolonged periods is difficult for them.

3. Pain down the leg: Sciatica nerve pain can extend down to any one of the legs.

I’m sure you all are eager to know how to cure sciatica? Some of the sciatica pain relief home remedies are as follows:

1. Hot pack massages: This is the first sciatica nerve pain relief remedy that will definitely work in bringing the pain down. Take a towel and soak it in hot water for 5 minutes. Then squeeze the water out and immediately press the towel before it starts cooling onto the area that has pain. Leave it pressed for 5 minutes and repeat the process for 15-20 minutes. The pain would slowly reduce.

2. Turmeric and milk: Mix one teaspoon of turmeric powder into one cup of milk. Now boil this mixture for 5 minutes and let it cool down a little. Drink it once or twice a day until you find the pain to have reduced.

3. Coconut oil massage: Massage the area with some warm coconut oil for 10-15 minute daily for a few days until you get some relief.

The very thought of sciatica pain can bring a shiver down your spine! Don’t worry anymore because these lovely home remedies will surely free you from this nagging pain.

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3 Easy Exercises for Sciatica Pain Relief

The sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in the human body. Its inflammation produces an uncomfortable pain that extends from the ribs to below the knees.

When we suffer from inflammation in the sciatic nerve, the pain is absolutely terrible. Many people experience pain so deep that they can not even stand when they have sciatic nerve attacks. In addition to pain, other symptoms such as heavy legs, tingling, and discomfort may occur.

Proper treatment of the sciatic nerve requires you to follow up with a good health professional, and in many cases this process can be long and still rather painful. Rest is often recommended, but not for too long because inactivity also aggravates the symptoms.

The causes for inflammation in the sciatic nerve are diverse and may hide other issues like a herniated disc or even diabetes. Additionally, a condition known as piriformis syndrome may also be related to sciatic nerve pain.

Even herpes infections can lead to sciatica.

People who are more likely to develop this type of problem are those who don’t exercise regularly and, or those who are overweight. Also, those who lift too much weight or put force on their backs while sitting for long periods of time are also at risk.

Because inflammation in the sciatic nerve demands a treatment that can be time consuming, we’ll show you how it can be strengthened with some therapeutic exercises. Part of the treatment for sciatic nerve inflammation focuses on an active lifestyle.

Let’s learn about a simple exercise to help treat sciatic nerve pain and improve your overall quality of life:

Sit on the floor and start the exercise by holding one of your legs, with your knee bent and in line with your chest. Hold your leg for 10 seconds and be sure to keep your other leg straight. Alternate the leg, remembering to line up your knee to your chest and hold it for another 10 seconds.

After that, lie down on the floor and raise your legs by slightly flexing your knees without reaching a 90-degree angle. Raise and lower your lower legs five times.

Lie down and stretch out on the floor. Without standing up, raise one knee and bring it up in line with your chest. Stay like this for 10 seconds. Repeat the same process with the other knee without lifting your back from the floor. Take it easy while doing this to avoid injury.

Finish the exercise by stretching out your body and lying flat.

While this exercise is great for relieving sciatic nerve pain, it’s very important that you contact your doctor and ask for permission to do so. Remember that due to the various causes of sciatic nerve inflammation, the treatments for this problem are also varied. So it’s important to know what the best exercises are for you.


Disclaimer: The materials and the information contained on Natural Cures channel are provided for general and educational purposes only and do not constitute any legal, medical or other professional advice on any subject matter. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider prior to starting any new diet or treatment and with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your health care provider.

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