How to Cure Your Shoulder (Tendonitis, Bursitis, Impingement)

Everyone be advised, this video shows how to treat the cause of your shoulder pain, not the symptoms (inflammation). That will only go away after the shoulder opens up a bit. Takes a few months so don't get discouraged. Sometimes it gets worse before it gets better.

1. I am 95% better.
2. I am now down to one round of every stretch and exercise once a day.
3. Will probably need to do that for life.
4. Took one week off of therapy and noticed I shouldn't have..
5. If you are starting this, you will probably get worse before you get better. These stretches can aggravate the inflammation. I noticed more range of motion in one month, but it was four months before the pain started really subsiding.

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A complete guide of the home therapy required to treat and heal a painful shoulder due to impingement related bursitis and tendonitis. How to heal your shoulder and how to fix your shoulder. Fit himself suffered terribly from an inflamed shoulder for 6 months. At the very first signs of pain, he began resting his shoulder, modifying his workout, and applying ice every day. Unfortunately things got worse. He finally went to a doctor who gave a cortisone shot and a series of rotator cuff exercises. Unfortunatly, things continued to deteriorate. Eventually, Fit was in constant pain and lost almost all motion of his shoulder. Finally, Fit visited a physical therapist who specialized in Sports Injuries. Initially worried that is was a rotator cuff tear, Fit was told he had an impinged shoulder which was causing inflammation of his bursa and tendons also known as bursitis and tendonitis. The gap in between his shoulder bone and arm bone had narrowed and was rubbing on his tendons and bursa. This video is the treatment prescribed to Fit to help restructure his shoulder and open the gap between the bones. The treatment consisted of performing three different stretches (shoulder stretch, chest stretch, and a cross arm stretch) These stretches were do be done for 30 seconds and 4 rounds. This was to be repeated 4-5 times a day. Also, strengthening exercises were prescribed to help the back muscle pull the shoulders back to their normal position. These exercises were to be done for 2 rounds of 20 reps twice daily. They consisted of straight arm press and variations of back flies. 6 months later, Fit has regained almost full range of motion This video is not intended as a resource for how to fix shoulder tears or other major shoulder injury. It is to address pain from tendonitis and bursitis due to shoulder impingement or impinged shoulder.

One Minute Sciatica Exercises for Quick Pain Relief & Cure of Sciatic Pain

"Famous" Physical Therapists Bob Schrupp and Brad Heineck (Bob & Brad) present several One Minute Sciatica Exercises designed to provide you with quick pain relief and encourage healing.

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TENS Unit for Pain Management & EMS for Muscle Rehab – Ask Doctor Jo

TENS units and EMS units can be very helpful when recovering from an injury or surgery. The two are very different, but often come together in one unit like the FlexTone models I use in this video. Purchase a TENS/EMS unit on my website:

What's the difference between TENS and EMS?

TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) is used to help reduce pain and increase circulation. Basically the vibration of the TENS follows the same pathway as the pain pathway to the brain and helps cancel it out. It is a great alternative to pain medication. A TENS uses four electrodes with cross currents to surround the area. The deep vibration/massage helps relax the muscles and allow for healing.

EMS (Electrical Muscle Stimulation) helps contract the muscles to build back up strength after an injury. With EMS the muscles will actually contract, and you can use it as a tool while exercising to help retrain the muscle to work how its suppose to. It uses two electrodes directly over the muscle you are trying to contract.

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Doctor Jo is a licensed Physical Therapist and Doctor of Physical Therapy.


TENS Unit for Pain Management & EMS for Muscle Rehab:

PRODUCT PLACEMENT DISCLAIMER: This video represents the honest opinions of Doctor Jo. Thank you to FlexTone for providing Doctor Jo with two free TENS/EMS Units to use.

DISCLAIMER: This video and any related comments are not medical advice. Doctor Jo is a licensed Physical Therapist and Doctor of Physical Therapy; however, she is not YOUR Physical Therapist and can't possibly diagnose you through the Internet. So don't use this information to avoid going to your own healthcare professional or to replace the advice they have given you. This information should not be used to self-diagnose or self-treat any medical condition. If you are not properly diagnosed, this information won't help, and it could make things worse. If you experience any pain, stop immediately and see your healthcare professional.