Arthritis Joint Pain | एक गिलास इस चमत्कारी ड्रिंक का और आपके शरीर और जोड़ो का दर्द गायब

Arthritis Joint Pain | एक गिलास इस चमत्कारी ड्रिंक का और आपके शरीर और जोड़ो का दर्द गायब

अक्सर बढती उम्र अपने साथ कुछ बीमारियों को ले आती है जिन में जोड़ो का दर्द आम है | जोड़ो का दर्द कई तरह से अनुभव किया जाता है जैसे के सीडिया चड़ते समय या कोई भरी काम करते समय पहले तो बूढे लोग जोड़ो के दर्द से परेशान थे परन्तु आजकल तो यह जवान महिलाओ और पुरुषो को भी होने लगा है |
जोड़ो का दर्द एक ऐसा दर्द होता है जिसका वर्णन करना मुश्किल होता है क्योकि जिसको यह दर्द होता है उसको ही पता होता है ये बहुत भयंकर दर्द होता है जिससे इंसान के स्वभाव में चिड़चिड़ापन आ जाता है
जोड़ो का दर्द किसी भी कारण हो सकता है जैसे की बढ़ती उम्र ,जोड़ो में तरल की कमी और किसी भी प्रकार की चोट आज हम आपके लिए एक ऐसा गजब का नुस्खा लेकर आये है जिससे आपके जोड़ो का दर्द ऐसे गायब हो जायेगा जेसेज छू मंत्र| |

5 – 6 गाजर
1 /2 चम्मच काली मिर्च
1 ताजा अदरक का टुकड़ा
1 /2 चम्मच हल्दी

विधि | How to Make
गाजर को अछि तरह साफ क्र लेना और काट लेना है उसके बाद अदरक हल्दी और काली मिर्च का पाउडर बना लेना है और इन सब को एक साथ ब्लेंडर में डाल कर ब्लेंड कर लेना है जब तक के यह अछि तरह मिक्स न हो जाये सम्पूर्ण मिश्रण बन जाने के बाद रोजाना तीन बार 50 से 60 ML सेवन करना है लेकिन ध्यान रहे की इस मिश्रण का सेवन खाना खाने के 30 मिनट पहले करे अगर यह मिश्रण ज्यादा गाड़ा हो जाये तो आप इसमे जरूरत के अनुसार पानी मिला सकते है आप को जल्द ही फर्क महसूस होगा

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3 Easy Exercises for Sciatica Pain Relief

The sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in the human body. Its inflammation produces an uncomfortable pain that extends from the ribs to below the knees.

When we suffer from inflammation in the sciatic nerve, the pain is absolutely terrible. Many people experience pain so deep that they can not even stand when they have sciatic nerve attacks. In addition to pain, other symptoms such as heavy legs, tingling, and discomfort may occur.

Proper treatment of the sciatic nerve requires you to follow up with a good health professional, and in many cases this process can be long and still rather painful. Rest is often recommended, but not for too long because inactivity also aggravates the symptoms.

The causes for inflammation in the sciatic nerve are diverse and may hide other issues like a herniated disc or even diabetes. Additionally, a condition known as piriformis syndrome may also be related to sciatic nerve pain.

Even herpes infections can lead to sciatica.

People who are more likely to develop this type of problem are those who don’t exercise regularly and, or those who are overweight. Also, those who lift too much weight or put force on their backs while sitting for long periods of time are also at risk.

Because inflammation in the sciatic nerve demands a treatment that can be time consuming, we’ll show you how it can be strengthened with some therapeutic exercises. Part of the treatment for sciatic nerve inflammation focuses on an active lifestyle.

Let’s learn about a simple exercise to help treat sciatic nerve pain and improve your overall quality of life:

Sit on the floor and start the exercise by holding one of your legs, with your knee bent and in line with your chest. Hold your leg for 10 seconds and be sure to keep your other leg straight. Alternate the leg, remembering to line up your knee to your chest and hold it for another 10 seconds.

After that, lie down on the floor and raise your legs by slightly flexing your knees without reaching a 90-degree angle. Raise and lower your lower legs five times.

Lie down and stretch out on the floor. Without standing up, raise one knee and bring it up in line with your chest. Stay like this for 10 seconds. Repeat the same process with the other knee without lifting your back from the floor. Take it easy while doing this to avoid injury.

Finish the exercise by stretching out your body and lying flat.

While this exercise is great for relieving sciatic nerve pain, it’s very important that you contact your doctor and ask for permission to do so. Remember that due to the various causes of sciatic nerve inflammation, the treatments for this problem are also varied. So it’s important to know what the best exercises are for you.


Disclaimer: The materials and the information contained on Natural Cures channel are provided for general and educational purposes only and do not constitute any legal, medical or other professional advice on any subject matter. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider prior to starting any new diet or treatment and with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your health care provider.

This Drink Will Help You To Eliminate The Knee And Joint Pain In Just 5 Days

Many people experience joint pain in their knees, elbows and hands. Many people relate this to aging. Because of this, they believe it to be a normal pain and do not seek treatment for it. However, when the body is in pain, it experiences stress. Also, untreated knee pain can cause damage to the knees and cause shifting of the knee.

Knee pain can be caused by excessive use, bone density, as well as wear and tear of the muscles and tissues. Vitamin deficiency is also a known cause of knee pain. Particularly, if the body lacks calcium, vitamin D and iron. Someone who lacks vitamin D and calcium is at risk for arthritis and inflammation of the joints.

Many people also do not realize that this pain can be treated with a natural remedy which will leave them pain-free in just a matter of a few days. Today’s video will discuss how to prevent joint and knee pain, as well as how to relieve it.

If someone experiences knee pain for over a week, there may be a more serious problem than just overuse and they should seek medical attention. It is also very important to eat a diet that is high in vitamins, bromelain and magnesium.

A smoothie made from cinnamon, pineapple and orange juice is one natural remedy that is highly effective in treating and relieving knee and joint pain. This smoothie has anti-inflammatory properties, as well as silicon, bromelain, vitamin C and magnesium.

Vitamin C is found in pineapple and is especially important to the body’s bones. Pineapple also contains a high amount of bromelain, which is an anti-inflammatory. Cinnamon helps the body’s blood to circulate more effectively. Orange juice also contains vitamin C that can help make ligaments and tendons strong.

To make the smoothie, you will need:

2 small cups of diced pineapple;
1 cup of rolled oats;
2 cups of water;
1 glass of orange juice;
1 cinnamon stick;
Raw, natural honey;


Add water and oatmeal into a pot and allow to cook for a few minutes. After the oatmeal is cooked well, allow it to cool down.
Place orange juice, oats, cinnamon, pineapple, and honey into a blender. Mix all ingredients together and add water to make the smoothie thinner, if desired.

For best results, it is recommended to drink this smoothie on a daily basis. After five consistent days of consuming this drink, total relief from knee and joint pain should be experienced.

Give this recipe a try and then visit our comment section to let us know, did you receive relief? Did you enjoy the taste?

Disclaimer: The materials and the information contained on Natural Cures channel are provided for general and educational purposes only and do not constitute any legal, medical or other professional advice on any subject matter. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider prior to starting any new diet or treatment and with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your health care provider.

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8 Remedies For Sciatica Pain You Need to Try Before Putting Another Painkiller in Your Mouth

The sciatic nerve is among the biggest in the body, starting at the lower spine, going through the buttocks, and ending down to the lower limb of the foot.

Its location makes it responsible for the strength, feeling and movement of legs.

Sciatica pain is a common issue, manifested by pain, tingling, weakness, and numbness of the lower limbs, and due to these signs, it may often be mistaken for leg cramps or lower back pain.

At times, it may lead to numbness and mild ache, but sometimes it causes almost unbearable, sharp, burning sensation in one side of the body.

The resulting discomfort and pain usually force people to stay in bed, and usually, patients use some over-the-counter drugs to relieve its symptoms, such as ibuprofen.

Research shows that even 40% of the world’s population will experience this issue at some point in their lives. We will reveal 8 natural ways to alleviate sciatica pain and treat the inflammation.

Acupuncture is an alternative treatment, which includes the insertion of hair-fine needles at certain body points, aiming to help the nerve function and boost energy.

The relief of this therapy is felt even after the first treatment, but a few sessions can do miracles for the pain. Nowadays, acupuncture is extremely popular, as it has been shown to be effective in the case of migraines, stress, giving up smoking, and also to stimulate the lymph flow.

Chiropractic Adjustments
Research has shown that chiropractic adjustments can be effective in treating this issue, as the manipulation of the spine can alleviate pain, promote healing, treat inflammation, restore mobility, and enhance function.

Ice Packs
Ice packs can instantly relieve sciatica. You can also use a simple package of frozen peas wrapped in a towel, and place it directly on the painful area. Leave it for 20 minutes I every 3 hours, and the pain will be completely relieved.

Alternate Temperatures
Ice packs definitely provide an instant relief, but they cannot do deeper and treat the inflammation, and the sciatic nerve is deep in the body. Therefore, you should apply a hot pack immediately after the ice pack, or you can have a hot bath.

The alternation of temperatures will stimulate the circulation and lymph flow, and thus, you will treat the inflammation, and accelerate its healing. For improved results, you can add some essential oils, herbs, or Epsom salts to your bath.

Mild (Yoga) Stretches
Even though every single movement can be painful, you need to be active in order to accelerate healing. Therefore, you can practice yoga stretches or gentle back stretches. In this way, you will improve mobility, strengthen the muscles on the back, and boost the blood flow.

Trigger-point therapies or deeper massaging is extremely effective in treating pain, muscle spasms, and numbness of the toes and legs. Moreover, you will benefit a lot from the use of herb-infused oils and essential oils.

Herbs And Oils
Numerous natural herbs can provide great effects, as they reduce inflammation and treat pain. These herbs can be used via infused oils, capsules, salves, and liniments.

Furthermore, you can use these herbs in tinctures, elixirs, essential oils, and tea from fresh or dried herbs, and alleviate pain.

Yet, before you start using natural herbs, consult your doctor, in order to check if they interfere with some medications you take. These are the most helpful herbs you can use in order to reduce inflammation, and pain, and support nerve health:

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