Lower Back Pain Gone After Huge “Cracking” Adjustment. Your West New York Chiropractor

Virgilio stopped by and had severe back pain but felt great after one single adjustment. If you suffer with back pain give us a call.

lower back pain Neck Pain Chiropractor West New York Guttenberg Weehawken North Bergen New Jersey,
| 201-453-1555 | Walk Ins Always Welcome

Please call (201) 453-1555 or visit us online at http://westnewyorkchiropractor.com/


Pain Management Clinics in Montgomery & Prattville, Alabama

Health Star Clinics offer the combined expertise of board certified doctors, award winning chiropractors and physical therapists. You’ll receive a comprehensive diagnosis and custom treatments that go beyond the band-aid approach of prescription medication and a follow-up visit.

Proper Sleeping Positions for Neck Pain, Back Pain, Pinched Nerves and Sciatica / Dr. Mandell

Incorrect Sleeping will irritate the nerves of the spine leading to pain and inflammation of the muscles of the spine. This can lead to pain and numbness into the arms from the neck or pain into the buttocks and legs coming from the lower back. Never sleep on your stomach because this stresses the lower back, causes the neck to be turned 45 degrees to one side, and puts stress on the organs from weight bearing of the chest. There is nothing like a good nights sleep, so do it right! Dr. Mandell

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How to Use a TENS Unit to Relieve Muscle and Joint Pain

A TENS unit (Trans-cutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulator) is a small device about the size of a deck of cards that can be used for managing sub acute or chronic pain. It works by "interfering" with pain signals to the brain, by flooding the pain-generating tissues with small, electrical currents that are thought to "compete" with the pain signals traveling to the brain, resulting in reduced perception of pain. It does not do anything to cure the inured site.

TENS units can be helpful by precluding the need for drugs that might be harmful to the user. It is also faster acting than ice and topical pain products.

In this video, I demonstrate how to operate a typical TENS unit, and strategies for placing the electrodes to achieve maximum benefit.

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