Cubital Tunnel Syndrome Ulnar Nerve Entrapment – Everything You Need To Know – Dr. Nabil Ebraheim

Dr. Ebraheim’s educational animated video describes the condition of cubital tunnel syndrome and ulnar nerve entrapment , where the ulnar nerve can become pinched in different locations and due to different reasons, such as: thorasic outlet syndrome, Cubital Tunnel Syndrome, Ulnar Tunnel Syndrome(guyon canal).
Causes of ulnar nerve entrapement around the cubital tunnel: Arcade of Struthers, Medial intermuscular septum, Osborne’s Fascia, Cubitus Valgus: a deformity in which the elbow is turned outward, entrapement can also occur due to a spur on the medial epicondyle.
The symptoms of this condition are worsened by preforming activities that require bending the elbow.
Keeping the elbow extended, especially during the night will often relieve the pressure on the ulnar nerve.
Symptoms: the patient will describe symptoms of pain and numbness in the elbow as well as tingling in the ring and little figure.
More severe Symptoms include:
– Weak or clumsy hand.
– Weakness affecting the ring and little fingers.
– Muscle wasting.
– Claw hand deformity if compression below the elbow.
Differential Diagnosis:
– Pain could be due to injury of the cervical spine C8 nerve root.
– Thorasic outlet syndrome: entrapment area between the rib cage and collar bone.
– Pancost tumor: apical lung tumor.
Clinical examination should include:
– Check for Tinnel’s Sign
– Elbow flexion test
– Check for Frement’s sign
– Conservative: NSAIDs, night spling, elbow pad, therapy, injection.
– Surgery: release the nerve with or without transposition.
This condition carry bad prognosis if there is intrinsic muscle atrophy.
Complication of surgery is injury to the medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve.
Neurolysis is not helpful.

Low Back Pain Relief, Sciatica Treatment & the Spine by Austin Chiropractor

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Low Back Pain Relief, Sciatica Treatment & the Spine by Austin Chiropractor

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Back pain can have many different causes. Poor posture, injuries, car accidents and simple day-to-day living can cause structural issues, sciatica or sciatic nerve pain, pinched nerves, bulging or herniated discs and worse. Dr. Echols teaches you about back pain, gives tips on how to stretch the back and relieve pain and demonstrates how flexion distraction tables are used in chiropractic adjustment.

Visceral pain may even be caused by the internal organs referring pain into the lower back. For example, the uterus transfers pain to the lower back and can cause discomfort during menstruation and PMS. Prostate issues can cause lower back pain in men, and addressing the health of the prostate can cure back pain in many cases.

Dr. Echols is a Chiropractor in Austin, Texas. He specializes in helping relieve pain, swelling, discomfort and other ailments in the back, hip, butt, neck, bulging discs, sciatica, and more.

In this free video, Dr. Echols talks about the low back and shows some gentle, safe adjustments that can help relieve pain in the low back, butt and hips. Chiropractic adjustments for the spine and low back (such as the flexion distraction table in this video) can help resolve these issues. The sacro-iliac joint can also cause sciatic pain or pain shooting down the leg.

Visit Dr. Echols website at

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