Yoga Exercises for Arthritis – Knee Pain, Backpain Treatment & Diet Tips in English

Shalabasana , Bhujangasana , Sarvangasana, Ustasana, Pranayam , Pawanmuktasana, Dhanurasana's
perform regularly not just relive artiritis pain but also go long way in treating Arthritis.
Below given are some benefits of aasana which will help you to control your Arthritis Pain.
Shalabasana benefits
1. Helps in weight reduction
2. Tightening of hamstring muscles for thighs
3. Reducing back and Shoulder Pain

Bhujangasana (serpent position) benefits
1. Helps strengthen back muscles & makes your Spine stronger and keeps it flexible
2. Strengthen Shoulder

Sarvangasana benefits
1. Increases blood flow to the brain
2. Reduced stress,
3. Increases memory power
4. Adds glow to skin

Ustasana benefits
1. Increases blood circulation to the brain
2. Reduces cervical pain
3. Stretches abdominal muscles making them stronger
4. strengthens knee joints

Pawanmuktasana benefits
1. Good for the digestive system
2. Improves flexibility of the spine
3. Strengthen back & Neck muscle
4. strengthen knee joints and keeps them flexible

Dhanurasana benefits
1. Reduces weight around the abdomen
2. Strengthen back
3. Strengthen thigh, arm & leg muscles

Pranayam benefits
1. Calms the mind
2. Cleanses the system
3. Regulates vital life force

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Natural Cure – No Pain In 1 Month (Joints, Legs And Back)

Natural Cure – No Pain In 1 Month (Joints, Legs And Back)…


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How To Get Rid Of Arthritis Pain – Crazy Fast Arthritis Pain Cure. Try EFT Now – Energy Healing
Crazy Fast Arthritis Pain Cure. Try EFT Now – Energy Healing – Here's How To Get Rid Of Arthritis Pain…

This Quick 10 Minute Video Shows You How To
Get Rid Of Arthritis Pain, Naturally…
So Why Would Even Your Best Friend
Keep It A Secret?
Welcome, Friend,
Nigel here, from Yorkshire, England…
I'm thinking of you, today…
Because I know how you can find Arthritis Pain Relief — fast — with this unique natural energy therapy…
Look – I know you're tired of treating your arthritis pain…
You've probably tried a bucket-load of costly pills or potions, capsules or lotions…
Because you've only been taught the old, traditional ways of Western medicine…
Listen – It's not your fault! You've been taught to treat the symptoms — not the cause — right?…
Yet when nothing changes, in desperation, don't you say – "There must be a better way!"…
So, if you want a breakthrough, you must try something new, something different – yes?
Well – this proven 2-minute technique works in a totally different way…
Heal The Hidden Emotional Cause – and you WILL feel the relief you're hoping for…
So why on earth would even your best friend keep it a secret?…
Simply because this proven way to stop your suffering might not be for you…
It all depends if you're open-minded enough to even try it…
And hey – if you're not — no big deal, no offence. I respect your beliefs — OK? I know it's not for everyone…
Yet unless you give it a go, you'll never know, will you?…
See – here's the deal…
This is a crazy cure for sure – for three very good reasons…
It sounds crazy… It looks crazy… And here's the kicker – it works like crazy too…
Which is why they're calling it A Crazy Cure…
And even though it's being proved, every day, by millions of open-minded people all around the world…
Until now, there really was no quick and easy way…
To even try it by yourself — never mind share this crazy secret with your friends! So…
Because it challenges conventional beliefs…
Even your best friend might not tell you about it…
Well that's OK. You've found me anyway — and this is what I do best, so help is on the way…
I'll let you quickly prove it for yourself, for free — in return for some feedback, to tell me how fast it helps you…
See — This is a simple, painless, non-invasive natural process you can pick up in minutes…
So you can get results quickly and easily — and prove it for yourself…
No need to quit your current treatment – this a complementary cure…
You can often get permanent relief when nothing else works…
And it's not just for this one problem — so you can try it on everything…
Which is why famous Doctors like Deepak Chopra, Dr. Oz and Dr. Joe Mercola recommend it…
Deepak Chopra, MD says it -"Offers great healing benefits."
Dr. Oz calls it — "The next big frontier in medicine!"
And Dr. Joe Mercola confirms it as – "A major component of our treatment program."
So hand's up who's ready for something NEW? …
3-Step EFT — Emotional Freedom Techniques, or 'Tapping'…
A unique new combination of modern psychology and the ancient healing art of acupressure…
(That's like acupuncture — without the needles!)
Tapping points on your face and body with your fingers, to stimulate blocked energy channels, or meridians…
Whilst repeating some simple statements…
Because by balancing your energy, whilst 'tuning in' to your problem, you can miraculously remove your HIDDEN emotional blocks…
And rapidly restore your energy flow, returning you to health and happiness – naturally.
See – sounds crazy, doesn't it? But wait! It flat out works…
The combined effect is like re-booting your body!
Imagine the relief you'll feel when you discover this crazy cure IS for real!
Imagine feeling good again – no more suffering — no more pain…
NOW – It's time to prove it for yourself — for free…
In your short free video presentation, you'll discover more about this powerful process…
You'll hear how, after 10 years of intensive research, toil, sweat and tears, I finally cracked the code…
And perfected this powerful yet simple 3-Step EFT process so YOU can rapidly heal the hidden cause of your suffering…
You'll watch me demonstrate the 8 simple acupressure points…
Then you'll follow along to Step 1 — Tap the Problem – an easy 2-minute tap-along video. You simply repeat the words on screen…
And ZAP the hidden emotional cause of your suffering…
It really is as easy as ABC…
So please, my friend, don't miss this chance to finally find the relief you're hoping for…
And then be sure to grab your Free Report to learn even more…
"How to Heal Yourself By Aligning The 3 Levels of Your Mind"…
I'll be there to greet you…

Rheumatoid Arthritis – How to Treat Arthritis Naturally – Home Remedies for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis – how to treat arthritis naturally – symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis & home remedies for the treatment of arthritis

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How to treat Rheumatoid Arthritis

Arthritis is a joint pain in your fingers, hands, knees, elbows, hips, jaw or any other place where there is a union between the bones. It is an inflammation of the joints, either one or more in your body. Pain, stiffness, swelling, redness, decreased the range of motion are some of the symptoms of arthritis. There are many different forms of arthritis, and there is no cure for this disease, but there is a possibility to control and make our life without problems. Fortunately, there are some useful home remedies to treat Arthritis.

Home Remedies for Rheumatoid Arthritis


Turmeric, a yellow spice that contains a potent compound called curcumin, which helps heal inflammation. It is primarily used to reduce pain and swelling in people who are suffering from arthritis. Therefore, take turmeric regularly, either in capsules or water turmeric or turmeric cooked or turmeric mixed in warm milk and drink this milk before going to bed for sleep to gain control over pain.

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is rich in calcium, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus which are essential to relieve joint pain. So, grab a cup of warm water and add a teaspoon of ACV and honey in it. Mix it with water and drink it in the morning to remove toxins build up in the joints and connective tissues.


Ginger can increase blood flow and also acts as anti-inflammatory eliminating inflammatory chemicals away from painful joints. Therefore, consuming ginger regularly helps a lot to cure arthritis. Take half a teaspoon of ginger powder or 30 grams (about six teaspoons) of fresh ginger once a day.

Green Tea

Green tea contains a chemical compound called quercetin, a powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant to prevent or alleviate the symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis. According to the Study of Women's Health in Iowa, it is clear that women who drank three or more cups of this green tea per day are 60 percent less likely to develop Rheumatoid Arthritis and its symptoms rather than women who do not drink this green tea. Therefore, drink it regularly at regular intervals to get rid of this problem.


Cinnamon helps give relief from arthritis pain and symptoms. Therefore, take a half teaspoon of cinnamon powder and one tablespoon of honey. Mix these two in a cup of warm water and drink this regularly in the morning on an empty stomach.


Cloves have an inflammatory chemical called eugenol against which helps heal the pain of arthritis. It also contains antioxidants that give relief from pain and inflammation that was caused by arthritis. Therefore, intake of teeth in any way challenging helps you a lot in reducing pain.


Alfalfa is one of the herbs that are rich in minerals and helps regulate pH levels to cure people suffering from arthritis. You can make a tea by adding some alfalfa seeds in a cup of boiling water and allowed to stir and let stand for a few minutes. Then strain the tea and drink twice a day for about 2 to 3 weeks to reduce inflammation.


Regular massage helps arthritic joints to reduce pain and stiffness. Massage will help to improve their movement and makes you feel better to do the job. First, consult your doctor and then proceed to work with your physical therapist or massage therapist.


Borage oil contains anti-inflammatory properties that help relieve arthritis and its symptoms. Therefore, take a few drops of this oil seeds and massage the affected part to get heals painful and swollen joints. Or you can drink a teaspoon of borage seed oil every day for quick relief of pain, as this oil will not harm your body, but make sure you do not eat seeds or other parts directly.

Arthritis Pain

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