Yoga Exercises for Arthritis – Knee Pain, Backpain Treatment & Diet Tips in English

Shalabasana , Bhujangasana , Sarvangasana, Ustasana, Pranayam , Pawanmuktasana, Dhanurasana's
perform regularly not just relive artiritis pain but also go long way in treating Arthritis.
Below given are some benefits of aasana which will help you to control your Arthritis Pain.
Shalabasana benefits
1. Helps in weight reduction
2. Tightening of hamstring muscles for thighs
3. Reducing back and Shoulder Pain

Bhujangasana (serpent position) benefits
1. Helps strengthen back muscles & makes your Spine stronger and keeps it flexible
2. Strengthen Shoulder

Sarvangasana benefits
1. Increases blood flow to the brain
2. Reduced stress,
3. Increases memory power
4. Adds glow to skin

Ustasana benefits
1. Increases blood circulation to the brain
2. Reduces cervical pain
3. Stretches abdominal muscles making them stronger
4. strengthens knee joints

Pawanmuktasana benefits
1. Good for the digestive system
2. Improves flexibility of the spine
3. Strengthen back & Neck muscle
4. strengthen knee joints and keeps them flexible

Dhanurasana benefits
1. Reduces weight around the abdomen
2. Strengthen back
3. Strengthen thigh, arm & leg muscles

Pranayam benefits
1. Calms the mind
2. Cleanses the system
3. Regulates vital life force

Now, Download Yog Sadhana App on your Android Smartphone :-

Hip Pain/Arthritis: 5 Exercises to Help Your Pain.

From "Famous" physical therapists Bob Schrupp and Brad Heineck demonstrate why and how you want to do these five exercises for your hip pain.

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Hip Bursitis Stretches & Exercises – Ask Doctor Jo

Hip Bursitis (or Trochanteric Bursitis) Stretches & Exercises for Hip Pain: These simple Hip Bursitis stretching techniques can help relieve your pain. See Doctor Jo's detailed blog post about this video at

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DISCLAIMER: This video and any related comments are not medical advice. Check with your own healthcare professional before attempting anything in this video. This information is only intended to show you the correct technique for physical therapy exercises and should not be used to self-diagnose or self-treat any medical condition. If you experience any pain or difficulty while doing these exercises, stop immediately and see your healthcare professional.