Best Sleeping Position for Neck Pain, Pinched Nerves, & Arm Pain.

Famous Physical Therapists Bob Schrupp and Brad Heneick not only demonstrate the best sleeping positions for neck pain, pinched nerves, and arm pain, but they also provide excellent tips for decreasing any neck, shoulder, or nerve pain you may be having while sleeping.

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Natural relief for Headaches, Neck Pain, and Shoulder Tension

Try this at home to relieve muscle tension, reduce pain, and stop many headaches before they ruin your day. Next time you have neck/shoulder pain and tension, you can try this before you pop a pill. It is free and works great for many people.

First of all, your spine needs to move for you to be comfortable when you are at rest. If you work at a computer, play games, text, sit, or read for extended times, then you should get up and move around periodically. At least every hour (even if you have no pain), and every 30 min if you are prone to discomfort. Pick your head up, bring your shoulders back, and walk around This movement in your spine, shoulders, and hips can be enough to reduce your pain. Do this for just 2 min, then get right back to work!

But sometimes remembering to move isn't enough. Many people have lost the normal curve in there neck. Loosing your curve can overstretch the muscles and stresses joints and nerves. Many people find relief with gentle cervical support, which provides traction that is safe for most people. Without any special equipment you can do this at home, after work, as you feel tension coming on, or after a long day. You can do this a few times a day for relief or prevention of pain. Watch the video to see how to properly support your neck for gentle traction and relief.

This method usually provides relief within 5 minutes. If your pain does not improve or if it gets worse with this method, then stop. You should see a doctor if your symptoms do not improve because you may have more serious problems.

KT Tape: Neck and Shoulder

Neck and Shoulder Pain

The neck is clearly a vital component of our anatomy due to its responsibility for connecting our brain to the rest of the body. Everything that passes through the neck is vital and relies heavily on proper function of the musculoskeletal system to protect and support these structures.

Stress is stored in these muscles and can cause headaches, shoulder pain, and other damaging compensations. Sitting at a computer all day, looking down while running, whiplash, sleeping poorly, or sudden movements and changes in direction are also common causes of neck pain.

Factors include muscle strain, ligament sprains, arthritis, spinal subluxations, pinched nerves, knots or adhesions, and countless other musculoskeletal complications. The pain is usually not only felt in the neck itself, but also into the base of the neck and the shoulders. Generally the pain can be categorized into two conditions: muscle strain or myofascial strain.

Muscle strain can occur when there is an injury to the muscles of the neck, causing spasm of the cervical and upper back muscles. The strain may result from the physical stresses of everyday life, including poor posture, muscle tension from psychological stress, or poor sleeping habits. Typically symptoms include pain, stiffness, and tightness in the upper back or shoulder. Myofascial pain causes tight and tender areas of muscle that are sensitive to pressure. Myofascial pain in the neck can develop after trauma or with other medical conditions such as psychological stress, depression, or insomnia.

KT Tape alleviates pain by relaxing the muscles, providing support, increasing circulation around the affected area, as well as reducing pressure on the myofascial tender spots — all to promote the body's natural healing processes. Generally individuals will feel immediate support and pain relief upon taping.

Consider complimentary measures as well. Try posture improvement, massage, chiropractic adjustments, and ice. KT Tape will relieve the pain and help assist in proper posture, but please seek care if pain becomes severe, there is a loss in movement, or symptoms get worse. Use beige KT Tape if you don't want to have colors visible during more formal times.

For additional resources, please visit the KT Tape website at